Where is Üçel, Manisa Charging Station Location

Station Name :  Üçel, Manisa
Address :  Veziroğlu Mah, Manisa Akhisar Yolu No:1, Veziroğlu- Şehzadeler

City :  Manisa
Charging Company :  Eşarj
Eşarj Contact and Phone Information
Phone :  4448303
Is There DC Charging? :  Yes
Station Coordinate :  Latitude : 38° 40' 28.9¨ N Longitude : 27° 28' 14¨ E

Where is Charging Station Üçel, Manisa, What is the Map Location?

You can view the Üçel, Manisa electric vehicle charging station on the map below and see how to get there from your current location in the directions field.

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Station Name Company
Üçel, Manisa - DC
Kat: 0
Üçel, Manisa - DC
Kat: 0

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Çözel Otomotiv Bosch Araç Servisi - ACZES5.31 Km
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Atatürk Kent Parkı - DCTrugo8.64 Km
Atatürk Kent Parkı - DCTrugo8.64 Km
Atatürk Gençlik Merkezi - DCTrugo8.72 Km
Atatürk Gençlik Merkezi - DCTrugo8.72 Km
Manisa 45 Park AVM - ACZES8.81 Km
Double Tree Otel Manisa - ACZES9.06 Km
Saruhan Otel - ACZES9.20 Km
Eurorepar Üstün Oto, Manisa - DCEşarj9.82 Km
Gönül Parke, Manisa - DCEşarj10.17 Km
Gönül Parke - DCTrugo10.17 Km
İncim Otomotiv, Manisa - DCEşarj10.25 Km
Manisa Zorpet - ACZES10.33 Km
Ünallar Otomotiv - ACZES10.35 Km
Manisa Zorpet - ACZES10.37 Km
Manisa Zorpet - ACZES10.37 Km
Manisa Zorpet - ACZES10.37 Km
Anemon Diyaliz, Manisa - ACEşarj10.79 Km
Anemon Diyaliz, Manisa - DCEşarj10.79 Km
The 45 Business Hotel & Spa, Manisa - DCEşarj11.12 Km
Holiday lnn Express Manisa - ACZES11.74 Km
Reta Mühendislik - ACZES11.89 Km
Anemon Manisa Hotel - ACZES12.08 Km
Aytemiz, Ercoş Enerji, Manisa - DCEşarj15.44 Km
Aytemiz, Ercoş Enerji, Manisa - DCEşarj15.44 Km
Şahh Akaryakıt - ACZES17.61 Km
Oksijen O375 İzmir Yönü - DCZES22.64 Km
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Oksijen 375 İstanbul Yönü, Manisa - DCEşarj22.72 Km
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Oksijen 375 İzmir Yönü, Manisa - DCEşarj22.74 Km
Oksijen 375 İzmir Yönü, Manisa - DCEşarj22.74 Km
Oksijen 375 İzmir Yönü, Manisa - DCEşarj22.74 Km
İzmir, Bornova Opet - ACSharz24.15 Km
Daysil Silikon, İzmir - DCEşarj24.41 Km
Pınar Et - ACSharz24.42 Km
Shell Turgutlu Girişi - DCTrugo24.81 Km
Shell Turgutlu Girişi - DCTrugo24.81 Km
Koçaslanlar Otomotiv, İzmir - DCEşarj24.82 Km
Bağyurdu Organize Sanayi Sitesi - ACSharz24.94 Km