Station Name | : | TUZ TERAPİ MERKEZİ-Tuzluca Kaymakamlığı |
Address | : | TUZ TERAPİ MERKEZİ-Tuzluca Kaymakamlığı |
City | : | Iğdır |
Charging Company | : | G-Charge
G-Charge Contact and Phone Information |
Phone | : | +90 (216) 593 00 50 (10) |
Is There DC Charging? | : | No |
Station Coordinate | : | Latitude : 40° 2' 60¨ N Longitude : 43° 39' 52.5¨ E |
You can view the TUZ TERAPİ MERKEZİ-Tuzluca Kaymakamlığı electric vehicle charging station on the map below and see how to get there from your current location in the directions field.
Station | Company | Distance (km) |
Iğdır Migros - DC | Trugo | 35.28 Km |
Iğdır Migros - DC | Trugo | 35.28 Km |
Lukoil İsmail Demirel Petrol - AC | ZES | 35.85 Km |
Otopratik (Metin Oto), Iğdır - AC | Eşarj | 37.35 Km |
AUTO KİNG IĞDIR AC - AC | Voltrun | 37.44 Km |
Lukoil Aslankaya Petrol - AC | ZES | 37.53 Km |